e shtunë, 30 qershor 2007
e premte, 29 qershor 2007
Chuck D track on new Go! Team album!

first of all: new go! team album out on sept 11, is amazing news. second of all: they've moved from columbia to sub pop, which could be good or bad but probably good. thirdly: CHUCK D DID A FILTHY TRACK ON THE REKKID!
from pfork's interview with ian parton:
"The label asked me if there was anyone I wanted to work with, and I said Public Enemy is one of my favorite bands. We emailed him a track; he dug it. He went to the studio and did a few takes of stuff he'd written, and I inherited them and moved them around and chopped them up a little bit and it turned out be 'Flashlight Fight'. It's a lot dirtier and chaotic than you're used to hearing hip-hop being."
im used to hip-hop being pretty dirty, so this track will probably knock the earf off its axis. hot.
new album news
ufo postage stamps: this is why paraguay is hot
this is a real 1978 postage stamp from paraguay. it has aliens and a floating alien city on it, and i wish it were mine.

check out lots more alien-themed stamps at fortean times!

check out lots more alien-themed stamps at fortean times!
this is why its hot,
e enjte, 28 qershor 2007
Mika Brzezinski is my valentine!!!
watch her refuse to talk about Paris Hilton on MSNBC.
my valentines,
e mërkurë, 27 qershor 2007
i wish i were smarter: FactCheck.org edition
new feature! "i wish i were smarter" is where i post things that could make me smarter if i could just stop thinking about lolcats and beehive wigs for a few minutes. FactCheck.org is a site that truthfully calls politicians out on their exaggerations and flat-out lies. from time.com:
"An independent, nonpartisan effort to cut through the routine spin and dissembling of politicians and other public figures. Staff writers check speeches, TV ads, news releases and other public statements for accuracy, and provide clarification and context."
american hos need this! check out an lol they made on Newt Gingrich hollerin' about the current Immigration Bill: "He claims it would grant residency to gang members and potential terrorists, contrary to what the bill actually says."
"An independent, nonpartisan effort to cut through the routine spin and dissembling of politicians and other public figures. Staff writers check speeches, TV ads, news releases and other public statements for accuracy, and provide clarification and context."
american hos need this! check out an lol they made on Newt Gingrich hollerin' about the current Immigration Bill: "He claims it would grant residency to gang members and potential terrorists, contrary to what the bill actually says."
Save the Date: 'Purple Rain' at SummerScreen
McCarren Pool's SummerScreen events are always really hot, but really fun. this summer they're showing a lot of things, but here are the ones I will be attending: Repo Man, Three Kings, Bonnie and Clyde and PURPLE FUCKING RAIN ON AUGUST 14!!!!

mccarren park pool,
brett gaytner lousin' up the joint
brett gaytner is going to direct the hef biopic. sick. he'll probably cast cameron diaz or lindsay lohan to play him and insert inappropriate explosions into every scene. gross. i hope hugh jackman plays holly though.

girls next door,
new kanye video iz fiyer!
neon! explosions! hype williams! car chases! daft punk! the new kanye vid is no joke.
one step closer to finding blackmindy
there's an asian girl in phoenix named mindy lee who loves jenny lewis and is dying to win the amazing race. im askeert.
e martë, 26 qershor 2007
adam mckay's baby deserves more oscars than titanic and the godfather saga combined. watch her beat a confession out of will ferrell.
funny or die,
pearl the landlord,
i like something by mocean worker and must live with the shame
normally im not really into mocean worker's music, but his new video is really adorable (dancing wrenches with little gloves on, anyone?)
get the lowdown on the making of at spinner
get the lowdown on the making of at spinner
georgi tha cat update
my cat is not full of lols. he's like having a retarded child. last night he tried to knock a pot off the hot stove, thus burning his paw. and this morning he jumped into the shower with me and then was pissed he was all wet. i should get him a helmet or a harness or whatever they do to kids who might hurt themselves or others.
e hënë, 25 qershor 2007
happy barfday, blade runner!!!!
popular mechanics told me it's blade runner's 25th barfday!!! in honor of ridley scott's hotness i implore you to fast forward to 2:45 of this video to watch daryl hannah doing gymnastics in a hot outfit in the future. blade runner rools.
ridley scott
wii miis are inferior to wee mees

jeff tweedy may be quite a boxer, but he and his wilco crew are some serious nerds. they're selling merch tees with images of their wii characters on them. no joke. they may know more about simulated bowling than their aim counterparts, but if wii miis and wee mees got in a fight, wee mees would regulate like a terminator in the ring with a robocop.
jeff tweedy,
e diel, 24 qershor 2007
zach galifianakis knows a lot about love

ordinarly i shun vice fashion for promoting stupidass hipster uniforms, but this week my valentine zach galifianakis prefaced the photos of topless girls in glasses and american apparel short shorts with some valuable lessions about the slow fade of love. here are some highlights:
"After a while, out of nowhere, she's clipping her toenails and eating a corn dog at the same time and it makes you wonder what the motherfuck happened."
"You'll find yourself asking things like, 'Why do you like Lou Dobbs so much?'"
"She has control of the TiVo, she watches The Bachelor, and you sit and wonder how to get on that show."
Read the full thang (plus see topless hipster girls...whatever) here.
Stale Hotness: Twilight Singers Edition
im starting a new feature on the blog called 'Stale Hotness,' because i cant think of a better name. it's where i embed a song that's a couple years old but that im currently in love with anyway. that grammar was horrifying. anycrap! click the play button below to listen and love the Twilight Singers stale hotness, 'Bonnie Brae.'
The Twilight Singers – Bonnie Brae
The Twilight Singers – Bonnie Brae
robocop could NOT kill a terminator!
there are many reasons i cant imagine life before youtube, but this is probably my favorite one: there are thousands of video editors in the world who have a LOT of free time and like to make fantasy action movie fights. some make sense, like alien vs predator, neo vs bruce lee, john mcclane vs sergeant riggs, etc, but the one i CANT GET OVER is robocop vs terminator, especially because they edit these so that robocop actually wins! RIDICULOUS! a terminator would rip robocop to shreds! terminators can kill anything! except maybe a deceptacon. hmmm, the transformers dvd should hopefully put an end to this robocop beating up a terminator insanity.
lolcats: mogwai edition
the only thing i love more than lolcats are gremlins, so when i stumbled upon this cat denying he's a mogwai on the genius site I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? i had to poste it.

god bless lolcats. they really fill the void my beloved o rly? owl left behind!

god bless lolcats. they really fill the void my beloved o rly? owl left behind!
e shtunë, 23 qershor 2007
myspace is practically burning books
myspace STILL doesnt support rss, and that's a rip city! because i KNOW everyone cares about my netflix recent rentals and favorite digg movie trailers. im just sayin!
the reno 911 movie disappointed me (of course) but i'm blaming 20th century fox instead of my lord and savior thomas lennon. denial is hot. give terry some love in his element:
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