first of all: new go! team album out on sept 11, is amazing news. second of all: they've moved from columbia to sub pop, which could be good or bad but probably good. thirdly: CHUCK D DID A FILTHY TRACK ON THE REKKID!
from pfork's interview with ian parton:
"The label asked me if there was anyone I wanted to work with, and I said Public Enemy is one of my favorite bands. We emailed him a track; he dug it. He went to the studio and did a few takes of stuff he'd written, and I inherited them and moved them around and chopped them up a little bit and it turned out be 'Flashlight Fight'. It's a lot dirtier and chaotic than you're used to hearing hip-hop being."
im used to hip-hop being pretty dirty, so this track will probably knock the earf off its axis. hot.
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