via towleroad
e premte, 27 korrik 2007
e enjte, 26 korrik 2007
e mërkurë, 25 korrik 2007
zach galifianakis + will oldham + kanye video = SOMEHOTSHIT!
if all videos were like this maybe the music industry wouldnt be in the crapper! ok, yes it still would be. either way, zach galifianakis is a hot bitch and will oldham is an amazing dancer. watch them upgrade kanye's 'can't tell me nothing' vid on kanyewest.com

e diel, 22 korrik 2007
jason isbell is a hot bitch!
so download 'dress blues' and friend his ass!

on a more serious note, this song makes me seriously weepy, so make sure no one you want to look tough around is nearby when you hear it.
jason isbell

on a more serious note, this song makes me seriously weepy, so make sure no one you want to look tough around is nearby when you hear it.

e premte, 20 korrik 2007
mappyhour! tank ye, interwebs!
goddamn this is hot. mappyhour is a new app that shows you where all the happy hour food and drinks are in a city. apparently there are a lot more near work than i realized! huzzah! holla at a internet making my alcoholism easier!

e enjte, 19 korrik 2007
mp3 flashback: martha wainwright, 'factories'
one of the most lovely album tracks i've heard in recent years. this album came out a while back, but if you haven't heard it, i suggest you check out the track below.

martha wainwright, 'factories'

martha wainwright, 'factories'
The State
The State
it's about gottdamn time,
the state
justice, 'D.A.N.C.E.' = video of the day!
sometimes visual arts students have a lot of free time to make pretty graphics. when this happens, you get a video like this. also, i wish my clothes changed as i walked too.
e mërkurë, 18 korrik 2007
ryan adams, 'the sun also sets' = song of the day!
ryan adams' new album 'easy tiger' is his best one in years, more country and more bleeding heart drama than he's written in a while, and 'the sun also sets' is my favorite track on the rekkid. download it below.

ryan adams - 'the sun also sets'
ryan adams

ryan adams - 'the sun also sets'

girl crush + M.I.A., 'bird flu' video
a watermelon shirt, phat beatz and a captain's hat? i think im in love. check the new m.i.a. video, complete with sri lankan crowd footage that remind me of indiana jones chase scenes blelow!

e hënë, 16 korrik 2007
in honor of shira and james: the tyra banks vaseline parody
this made me laugh so hard i made a scene in my cube. thx, kelly!
a post about chromeo, cuz i wanna love dave one
i have a crush on dave one. he looks like a straight mo rocca, but can spin like erlend. now THAT'S holleration. download some chromeo hotness below.

chromeo - 'bonafied lovin' (tough guys)'
Technorati Profile

chromeo - 'bonafied lovin' (tough guys)'
Technorati Profile
e shtunë, 14 korrik 2007
video of the day: 'the heart won't lie' by reba
reba and vince gill as marines in love. yeah, you read that right. you dont even know how amazing this video is.
e premte, 13 korrik 2007
e enjte, 12 korrik 2007
CHANGED MY MIND! new video of the day is 'liberian girl'!!!!!!
this is amazing. every single person who was ever even remotely famous in the 80s is in this video and they all have crispy hair. WATCH IMMDEDIATELY! my favorite parts are as follows: 1) paula abdul looking adorable, 2)john travolta and olivia newton john lip-synching heartfelt michael jackson lyrics to each other on their own time, and 3) suzanne sommers showing blair underwood to bubbles the chimp. this video may be the sole reason god put me on this planet.
video of the day: 'breakdown' by mariah
because she wears a liza costume and lounges on a craps table. HOT.
e mërkurë, 11 korrik 2007
cocktail of the week: brandy alexander!
im SO over highballs. in honor of the loverly feist song by the same name, i'm gorna make a pitcher of these, mindy-style, this weekend.

2 ounces brandy
1/2 ounce dark crème de cacao
1/2 ounce heavy cream
Whole nutmeg
Combine brandy, crème de cacao, and heavy cream in a mixing glass with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a 6-ounce cocktail glass and grate nutmeg over top, to taste.

2 ounces brandy
1/2 ounce dark crème de cacao
1/2 ounce heavy cream
Whole nutmeg
Combine brandy, crème de cacao, and heavy cream in a mixing glass with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a 6-ounce cocktail glass and grate nutmeg over top, to taste.
song of the day: 'to the sky' by the maps

every few days a new song will stand out amongst the dozens of new songs i hear every day and stop me in my tracks. the maps' new album, 'we can create' is a gorgeous work, out on mute right now, and you should listen to it. below is the track that was good enough to tear me away from boing boing and cat macros for a whole 4 minutes. that's no small task.
the maps - 'to the sky'
cuz kimdavis revealed she knows rapcat's creator
let's revisit rapcat, cuz he spits hotter than shop boyz and rich boy combined.
hype machine error page = UPGRADE!
i dont know how long this has been in effect, but it's the first time i've seen it. while doing a routine search for tindersticks songs (that's right, tindersticks! now shut it, haterz!) i was redirected to this page:

amazing! i think it used to just time out, which is ghei ghei ghei. this is far more fashionable.

amazing! i think it used to just time out, which is ghei ghei ghei. this is far more fashionable.
main shawty: glen hansard edition
new feature! main shawty is where i post my current celebrity hootsie. today it's glen hansard because i like the tunes that come out of his banjo and his sentimentals in 'once.' congrats, glen hansard! you my main shawty! here's a pic of him with a bike wheel HAHA!
glen hansard,
main shawty
e martë, 10 korrik 2007
what the eff happened to my lord and savior andrew wk???
andrew wk is one of my favorite people in the world. however, something horrible happened to him. he played the boredoms drummers event this weekend in a suburban dad costume, short hair, and absolutely no fake blood on his person. like, not anywhere. i could cry! see for yourself!

here's an old photo of him looking amazing, the way he should be!!!

here's an old photo of him looking amazing, the way he should be!!!

andrew wk,
cry cry cry,
'once,' cuz i actually liked it
as much as i love explosions, once was a nice contrast to the blockbusters this year, with great music and a lovely story. im not a big fan of the frames, so i was surprised by how much i loved the soundtrack, and glen hansard overall. i think he may be my new erlend (gasp!)check out one of my favorite songs from the movie below.

Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová - 'Falling Slowly'

Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová - 'Falling Slowly'
omg! pimped library carts!
why am i blogging about this? i dont know, but it probably has something to do with secretly being a middle aged gay man who just looks like a 23 year old girl. go to unshelved to see all the hotass librarian decor!

e hënë, 9 korrik 2007
e shtunë, 7 korrik 2007
nerd alert! entering the world of graphic novels with 'the watchmen'
i've decided to read 'the watchmen' because kate winslet, patrick wilson, jeremy irons and a bunch of other hot bitches have been cast in the movie version, and i want in! please dont stuff me in a garbage can or put cow poo in my locker kthx.

graphic novels,
e enjte, 5 korrik 2007
'cloverfield' (scary as shit!) update
im glad jj abrams has given me a much-needed hobby. so there's a blog called 'Ethan Haas Was Wrong' which points to a flash site called Ethan Haas Was Right. stay with me. on the flash site, there's a puzzle with a memory game. follow the pattern and a video appears with a creepy man with a very creepy message. this is followed by another flash game, with a combination that is very hard to crack, but im working on it. slashfilm has more deets.

holy shit, there are LOLhans now???
FUCKING AMAZING!!! a whole site devoted to re-purposing the joy of lolcats to calling la lohan out on her shit! god, the internet is hot. visit LOLhan immediately, or i'll send megatron after you.

new david cronenberg trailer - 'eastern promises'
im not really loving the trailer for 'eastern promises,' but i like cronenberg and i like when hot people have hot accents, and viggo is a russian badass in it so i posted this beeyotch.
Where is the proper 'Cloverfield' trailer, godDAMMit!!!
as far as i can tell, this jankass recorded-at-a-theater trailer is all there is for now. if you work at a movie theater, i implore you to steal the proper trailer, convert it, put it on youtube, and send me the link ASAP!
there IS an official 'cloverfield' site, but all it has on it is a splash page with 2 chickies crying cuz they're scared and that's not very helpful right now.
there IS an official 'cloverfield' site, but all it has on it is a splash page with 2 chickies crying cuz they're scared and that's not very helpful right now.
monster dare! for people with lotsa money and boring friends!
if your friends are constantly refusing your "i'll pay you 10 bucks if you go punch that biker" dares, the day is yours! monsterdare.com is a place you can post any ridiculous dare and a dollar amount for someone to do it. if other people see it and like your dare, they can contribute to the reward money. currently you can win about $200 if you take a sledge hammer to an iphone in front of a nerd. hot.
hairspray - 'you can't stop the beat' video
they changed the lyrics a bit and cut penny out of the song entirely, but it still looks fun. seeing it for the cast alone, so dont judge me, haterz!
zach galifianakis in new kanye video? GASP!
**UPDATE!** da googlz showed me this, from a mag interview he did recently:
"Strangely I’m shooting Kanye West’s new music video here at the farm. He asked me to do it. He doesn’t want to be in it, but he sent me this new song and then asked me to make a video for him here at my farm."
this could still be an elaborate hoax, but if not, OMG OMG OMG OMG O.M.GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
according to a myspace blast zach did, he's going to be in the next kanye video. this is too good to be true, so im taking this as a zany zach prank. either way, this is what he said:
"New music video from Kanye West coming soon, featuring Zach Galifianakis."
that doesnt seem to be in joke format, but what the crap do i know about comedy. either way, VIVA LA ZACH!
"Strangely I’m shooting Kanye West’s new music video here at the farm. He asked me to do it. He doesn’t want to be in it, but he sent me this new song and then asked me to make a video for him here at my farm."
this could still be an elaborate hoax, but if not, OMG OMG OMG OMG O.M.GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
according to a myspace blast zach did, he's going to be in the next kanye video. this is too good to be true, so im taking this as a zany zach prank. either way, this is what he said:
"New music video from Kanye West coming soon, featuring Zach Galifianakis."
that doesnt seem to be in joke format, but what the crap do i know about comedy. either way, VIVA LA ZACH!

i lub brian eno
photos from shan franshishco's "77 Million Paintings By Brian Eno" event a couple days ago. basically a digital art company made paintings out of sound waves, which i wish i could have seen, but i live too gottdamn far away.

see more photos at Laughing Squid.

see more photos at Laughing Squid.
bottle opener + keychain = handy drunk driving!
it's called a "Party Chain" (seriously) and dis shit gots a LED flash light, universal TV remote, and, because it wouldn't be much of a "party" without it, a bottle opener. i recommend using it for opening beer while driving! fun!

e martë, 3 korrik 2007
leaving work early to meet my hos for a squishee at our newly converted local kwik e mart, then off to TRANSFORMERS, followed by midtown east (dont ask me why) drunkenness. yessssssss!
no, seriously. someone made a video of an ipod having sex with a zune
overall, funny but weird. best line: "tell me again how much sexier i am than the iphone." --ipod
e hënë, 2 korrik 2007
I GOTS TRANSFORMERS TICKETS! I GOTS TRANSFORMERS TICKETS! I GOTS TRANSFORMERS TICKETS! tomorrow night, followed by thousands of cocktails with the bomb squad and pop team. it's going to be amazing.
brad paisley and shatner, together again!
although i disapprove of the nerd bashing, and brad's new album in general, im overjoyed to see he and shatner are still bffs. he's also still a hot bitch. FRONT AND BACK, Y'ALL!
brad paisley,
who doesn't love this 7-11 to kwik-e-mart thing?
it's genius, and delightful, and i plan on getting my very own squishee this week!

the photo above is from someone's flickr, and there's lots more there detailing the inside and exterior of a his local, recently converted kwik e mart.

the photo above is from someone's flickr, and there's lots more there detailing the inside and exterior of a his local, recently converted kwik e mart.
simpsons movie,
i NEED todd oldham's tree house

i love tree houses. aside from target and those super-sized margaritas from applebees, they're the only worthwhile things in the suburbs. design*sponge got to go to todd oldham's 2 story no bullshit tree house in PA and i didnt. cry cry cry!
tree houses
rilo kiley porn!!! yesssssss!
new jenny video is obscene! huzzah! watch that shit on the rilo kiley official. fast forward about 10 minutes to see the actual video.

jenny lewis,
rilo kiley,
e diel, 1 korrik 2007
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